sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s speech we can see how he started the speech by telling the history of his life. Here is an example how he give a message to people that if he did they can do when he said “I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.” This quote says that in order to Obama is there  before him there were people who fought in order to defend black people right. Also, he showed us that we all have the opportunity to dream to be a president it isn’t impossible. Another point, is when he said “And fellow Americans, Democrats, Republicans, independents, I say to you, tonight, we have more work to do...” it means does not matter which parties you like the point is to build a better country and we  can work together in order to offer better future to this country.

            “They know that parents have to teach, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. They know those things.” Here, Obama showed us that he did not expect only white people can do effort to be educated,  black youth can be educated as white people but parent have to help with it. Obama got my attention with another quote which is “People don't expect -- people don't expect government to solve all their problems. But they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better. And they want that choice.” It is about that people are looking for solution like better economic, more job, better school and better community but in order to get those change he suggest to people that he is the change of the nation but the way that he does this is by making clean that he does not give money or benefit, people need to work hard to get better life he only go to create more opportunity of job in order to them to get benefit of it. The reason that I choose Obama’s Speech because I like the way that he think and I see him as example of if you want something in life just try the best and you will get it.

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014


In the article “America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts” by Christopher Ingraham the author shows how political looked for way to win electoral districts for the house by doing cheating.  One strategy is by using Gerrymandered which is about to divided state in more districts without need those districts. The idea is to make more chance for win.  The problem is that in some place some parties have many supports than other so t they make the division of the districts in order to break up he population and give the opportunity to win in place that they have their people. For example, Manhattan and Bronx we can say they are one district and Manhattan has seven democrat and two republican over ten, Bronx has eight  republican and 1 democrat over 10  . Here Republican win because they have more people in their district, however if we break up Manhattan and Bronx we will have two winners in separate districts in order to safe space in house.  The reason that I choose this passage was because I was interesting in the means of Gerrymandered

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014


Marshall believed in that all government should give the opportunity to their people to be educated and have access to health care without paid.  The author thought in this way because he believes that all citizen of a nation have the right to have the basics things in order to survive in life. One example of the main point of the author is when he says “To be a citizen means that you are entitled to certain things, and it suggests the equality of all members to these entitlements.” It means that all citizens are the same don’t matter if you are rich, black or white. We all need certain thing in order to grow in our sociality as education and health care. Education is import because it allows people to get prepare for the future and they have the opportunity to change their status economic, imagine when a person have to work in order to pay rent and school and they cannot do both at the same time. If all government put education free people will have the opportunity to follow their dream because they don’t have to worry about paying school and they only have to attend.  Many people don’t go to hospital because they don’t have insure which cover their problem and they prefer to stay at home, so many people wait to the last minute to go the hospital because they don’t have money to paid it. Those people go to the doctor as emergency when people should go to doctor at least every six month. However, if every sociality has public hospital there will be more healthy people in our community. The reason that I took this quote is because I have friends who cannot go to the college and the hospital either because they work and the money they earn from their job is for pay their bill and the tuition of college is expensive. And, for them go the hospital very expensive too and they cannot save money to go hospital because they have a lot bill. In other word for them education and health is a luxury.

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

Frederick Douglass was trying to show us that 4th of July only were for white people in 1817. White people could celebrate their day and black people cannot enjoy this day being U.S citizens as white people. And, Douglas fought for the right of black people, for example he made speech and he make his own new paper in order to maintain his community informed how they can abolish the slavery . In order to have better illustration how Douglass thought he says “I am not included within the pale of glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you, this day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity and independence, be queather by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me.” Here, Douglas showed us that the country got the liberty from other nation, but this liberty didn’t apply for people just for selective people in this case white people. Douglas as part of the community of black people he didn’t feel to celebrate this day because he does not see the same right for everyone. For him the day of independent means that everybody has the opportunity to decide what they want in their life and no been slave.  The reason that I used this quote was because I see how Douglas feel when in 1817 people celebrate liberty when the reality was that this freedom aren’t for everybody and he give his opinion without care what white people can think or he may go to jail. For him the most import was to fight for his people don’t matter if he has to sacrifice his life. This article relate to the theme in a way that all the character were fighting for fix problem that affect people in U.S in the 1817 in order to have the same right for everyone.