sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Brown v. Board of Education – Case 1954

Brown v. Board of Education – Case Brief Summary, this case was about segregation of children in school.  They claim that black children and white children had to be separate in school with the idea “separate but equal”. Those ideas did not make sense because how they got educate children with different education when education is about to teach people the same way in order that people can get the same opportunity to success in life. One example of it is when the author says “Education in public schools is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.” It means that people who want to go to school the door have to be open and don’t matter the race the point is to have the same tools as any school in order to teach people.  In order to illustrate this case better we can use the phrase “we the people” which is about that we all are part of the United State in order to build a better nation in the aspects of justice, create security in our community, and make people free to make any decision that they want and the most import is to encourage people that we are equal don’t matter our skin. Education is not an option; it is a right which all has the opportunity to enjoy.